Tuesday, 11 March 2008

My Long Journey To Safety

I was lucky though I didn't know it at the time. When the lorry came for me, it was a different one from usual. They didn't shout at me, they didn't get angry with me when I didn't understand what they wanted.

I found myself in a little compartment on my own in the lorry - some of my friends were also there but I couldn't see them. Even though these people were kind to me, I was still so frightened - nothing much had been good in France, why would it change.

We had a long long journey which took several days. I was very weak and very tired. I was given hay and water, and at night we were asked to leave the lorry and were put into stables where we could lie down and sleep. I didn't sleep much, it was all too too scary.

I got by somehow, most of the time I tried to sleep as I was standing in the lorry, dreaming of days when I was with my mum, and how much I had loved her. I don't know where she is now - maybe she went on the bad lorry. I just don't know. I cry for her sometimes as I am only a very young donkey and she could have taught me so many things.

The best way I could cope was by trying to hide my feelings and just be numb. Who knows how it was going to end. Despite everyone being kind to me, I still could not believe that perhaps it was somehow going to be ok. I just kept my head down and my eyes closed and thought of mum. Does she remember me?

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