Wednesday 2 April 2008

Mount Fuji

After we had been sharing a stable for a few days, mum said, it looks like you have all settled down as the next morning, we were all covered in shavings from lying down.

Fergus looks like Mount Fuji, a nice top dressing of shavings on his back. He can snore a bit but otherwise he doesn't take up too much room.

Me, my shaggy coat is covered in shavings, they are everywhere, I got down, had a good snooze, a bit of a roll, all before breakfast time. I am getting the hang of living here. Not so worried all the time, not lying awake at night wondering if the bad lorry is nearby. I am relaxing so that I can eat more and put on weight. Mum says she now has to hunt for my ribs and that I have put a little bit more bottom - no longer quite a size zero.

She was worried that when I went out into the field, the change of diet might give me a gippy tummy and I would lose all the nourishment from my feed, but no, I am fine. In fact, she was complaining that since my arrival, the number of wheelbarrows needed to muck out in the morning has risen from 2 to 3! All down to me. I am proud of myself.

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