Wednesday 11 June 2008

Brioche - Non Merci

The two Scottish donkeys need to take medicine (no, not for the French donkey pox I gave to them but they have been bitten the the notorious Scottish midgie and poor old Ferguson had an allergic reaction to cream put on to soothe those horrible midgie bites - he now looks like the Elephant man).

To encourage the swallowing of this medicine, it was skillfully placed by she who claims she is mum on pieces of brioche - all designed to confuse and confound innocent donkeys into eating this foul tasting liquid. It seems to work, as they have eaten them all.

Of course, I should be familiar with brioche, given my foreign French background, but I feign total fear and refuse to eat it. Seriously, I sniff it, prod it, stand on it but eat it I will not. Then, just as I was overcoming my terrible fear of this foreign food, Ferguson steals it and snaffles the lot.

Mum says serves me right - never leave a brioche unattended is all I can say.

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