Wednesday 4 March 2009

Vodka Has A Nasty Accident

I was so close to being petfood again!

I was in my stable, having my dinner, and I still don't know how I did it, but I managed to get my front leg through one of the holes in the haynet. The haynet was quite high off the ground, and the net went all round my ankle.

Problem was, I couldn't then put my foot back on the ground or get it free so I had to stand like that, trussed up, with my front leg bent back under itself, until I was rescued at breakfast time.

Mum was very upset - she said that it was a good job I am a sensible donkey and just stood still until I could be released, as if I had panicked, and thrown myself around to try to get free, I could have fallen over, or broken my leg. She says that they can't mend broken donkey legs as they can with humans, and that a nice vet would have had to come out and finish me off.

Didn't fancy that at all - bad enough escaping being made into salami but to top yourself? Bit careless I think.

I will have to be more careful. I am a famous donkey these days and it is important that I look after myself.....

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