Tuesday, 2 December 2008

We Have This White Stuff

And it is very cold around my ankles.

I was really annoyed, all this white stuff floating down from the sky and making my feet cold, plus to be fair I would have been happy staying indoors and eating my hay rather than going into a cold miserable field.

To make matters worse, Fat Cob Rosie being a lamintic isn't allowed out if it is frosty, so she gets left on our new walkways with some hay until it all de-frosts. Well I wasn't having any of that, I marched under the fence and stole Rosie's hay.

Mum came out to find Rosie with the sort of look on her face that says I can't believe this has happened - now she would normally KILL for food but she knows not to mess with a determined Vodka donkey. Then I enticed Ferguson to limbo under the fence with poor silly Aimee the other side of it, fretting and running up and down as she couldn't figure out how to trespass.

Mum had to give Rosie more hay and I am on last warnings about breaking fences - I have broken some of the fence sticks by scratching my bottom on them. Mum is muttering something about just wait till it's wired up....not sure what this means....are we going to have a stereo system and play Christmas Carols or something?

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