Sunday 7 December 2008

My Early Christmas Present

My xmas present has arrived, a new stable rug so the Vodka donkey can be warm and cozy as baby it's cold outside. We have had snow, frosty stuffy, slippy stuff so I can do the scene from Bambi with the legs going everywhere, believe me I have the giraffe legs for it.

But the bad news - it doesn't FIT. I am crushed.

It is a very snazzy blue with a red trim but my bottom is hanging out of it and it is so shallow that it doesn't even cover all my tummy - mum says it may be something to do with the fact that there is more tummy now than there used to be.....

But it is a 5ft Fal rug - I already have a 5ft fal outdoor rug which fits me like a glove, I adore it as all that sticks out are my ears and I can tuck them into the neck piece if it is really cold, and a discrete knee peeps out from below the rug. It is so warm and generous and I love it. This one, same make, same size, is tight on the front, about 3 inches too short, and my lovely white tummy is uncovered. How can this be - that there is such a huge variation.

Mum is furious as it doesn't even fit Aimee which was an alternative..... so I am not a happy donkey. I had been promised a lovely rug for xmas and I am so so disappointed.

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