Wednesday 18 February 2009

Aimee is Going to Be A Busy Girl

Well it looks like we will have some nice quiet Saturdays as Aimee is booked up for months on end doing street collections for various charities.

Ferguson and I, plus the sheep I suppose, and the two bookends, Molly and Rosie, will have a tranquil day, without Ms Motormouth to annoy us. I am busy planning it, long hours gently grazing, just Ferguson and me, side by side, in quiet contemplation of the lush new shoots of reeds and herbs - no one to annoy us.

The only down side is that she will come back, all tired and wired for sound, and will yack on all night....we will hear about every piece of carrot she ate, every polo mint, every piece of bun....and it might be worse than that, she might get apples, peaches, pears, all sort of nice things that I would like to become accustomed to....

I suppose there is always a sacrifice to be made but it will be nice to have the place to ourselves for a while.

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