Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Vodka Falls at First Hurdle....Not a Showjumper

As you may know from previous posts, my catwalk is being made as we speak.....I am not sure of the colour - dirty grey - and tonight I had the first chance to try it out.....it's not quite finished but mum says tomorrow we will be fully encircled.

However the only way onto it was to jump over a log. Now with my giraffe legs, I just couldn't figure it out - how to lift each one up in turn, or take a big leap at it. Mum says I made a total three course dinner of it, as it was only 9 inches hight.....and with my long legs really what an excuse.

The two diddy donkeys had already climbed over it, scampered along the yellow brick road, straight into the stable, and I was left alone, running up and down, shouting and screaming for someone to come and help me. A donkey home alone, not good. Panic.

Mum came back with a headcollar and I submitted to being caught, she then tried to lead me over the logs but no, not a chance. I wasn't going to risk it. I know all about broken legs in donkeys - it's a one way trip (literally) to the larder! In the end she had to woman-handle the log - all 10ft long of it, big fir tree - out of the way to make a gap so a dainty donkey ankle could squeeze through.

Finally I got into the stable only to find the two diddy donkeys had eaten my dinner as well.

Adding insult to injury I think. I am plotting my revenge.

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