Monday 8 September 2008

Vodka Cyclops

I am badly hurt. I have managed to scratch my beautiful long lashed Vodka eye and it is now weeping and very sore.

Mum said that it needed looking at, as the last thing we want is a Vodka who cannot see, so this new vet, well one I haven't seen before, came to inspect me.

I was in the tiny tiny paddock behind the barn and mum called me so I came through the gate on my own and stood in the yard, while the vet admired the Vodka from all angles. I went up to him and gave him a good sniff but no he didn't have polo mints - surely every vet should come armed with them? Isn't it polite to bring a small gift when visiting a patient. I found this very disappointing.

Then mum said we'd better go into my stable so I could be looked at properly, so she called me again and I trotted behind her into my stable.

At this point the vet was astonished. He said that he had been expecting a semi wild terrified donkey - given my sad background - and couldn't believe what he had seen. Mum then put my headcollar on and my eye was looked at and things shone in it - I have managed to scratch my cornea so I need lots of cream in my eye to make it well.

I think I was so so brave to do all this. Mum says she is totally proud of me for being such a good girl.

I think the vet will be less afraid of me next time - I think he was anticipating being there for hours, trying to get near me - he just didn't expect a self confident little Vodka. But he'd better remember my polo mints or there will be tears.

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