Thursday 4 February 2010

Vodka's Arranged Marriage

Mum has been muttering about getting me a boyfriend. It's been going on a while, mainly along the lines of you are so young compared to the other two donkeys and we would never want you to be alone.

So what turns up - a huge French donkey name of Tin Tin....ok so he has a nice french accent and we can discuss croissants and cafe au lait, but

It's a big but. He towers over me. Mum said she got a bit of a shock when the ramp went down and this enormous head looked out hopefully....even the headcollar she had bought him in anticipation of his arrival is a tad neat.

And none of the rugs we have here fit him. Nor does his stable - there is going to be a lot of shifting around to make room for this mammoth.

Now while I appreciate her concern about me being a single lady, at the very least I think I should have been consulted. Maybe we could have reviewed candidates on the plasma screen in my stable and I could have been penpals for a while and then made up my mind,but no, here he is take it or leave it.....

I may well leave it, I am as the Empress of India said, not amused.

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