Sunday 14 February 2010

Entente Cordiale

Well, I am beginning to melt. This new man, the Tin Tin, is very much a new man type donkey, very considerate, opens gates for me, let's me eat his dinner, compliments me all the time on how nice I look in my green rug and how much he is looking forward to seeing me in my red one - after all it is Valentine's Day.

I am hopefull that I may be whisked away for a dinner a deux, with pink champagne and all belgian chocolates - ok i know this is not part of the nutritional requirements of a donkey in the wild but then I am a sophisticated mademoiselle donkey and I have acquired these upmarket tastes.

Mum says that I should be careful about stepping out with gallic newcomers particularly if they offer to take me away - have I forgotten all the dreadful things that can happen to a donkey if it goes in the wrong horsebox?

It all comes rushing back - I'm not going anywhere.

I will put him to the test, he can cook the dinner at home for us and then we'll see.

I am waiting for Interflora to arrive with the roses and maybe our feed company to arrive with a special order, all gift wrapped for me......

Love is in the air.

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