Thursday 16 April 2009

Vodka Donkey New Rugs

It's the time of year when winter rugs can be very 'favourably priced' and my skinflint mum has been bargain hunting to ensure that the Vodka donkey is ready for next winter. We haven't quite got rid of this winter, but there is she beavering away to equip the donkey team for the rigours of winter 2009.

As many of my clothes are hand me downs from long dead donkeys - I suppose we have to slum it a bit but really as a famous donkey, I really should be going to Saville Row and get properly measured up so that the cut will be perfect for me. Instead I have to put up with ready to wear.....

Well my first rug is a keep the shavings off my long coat rug. Mum says that she is fed up having to clean me up every morning as when I got to sleep, I get absolutely plastered with shavings, so I now have a smart checked lightweight pair of jim jams to keep my lovely long coat shavings free. Actually I think it is just laziness on her part, as I really quite enjoy being combed but there we are. Wear it I must.

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