Sunday 23 August 2009

Pivione Tibere and Now Ulysses

As a compassionate Vodka donkey, I was very very upset that these three little donkeys were going for the unkindest cut, i.e. the chop.

I did my best, got Aimee galvanised into fund raising and the excellent news is that Pivione, a lovely little grey girl donkey - hey we could have been pen pals and good friends you know - her son Tibere and a little one year old friend, Ulysses, are all safe at Sussex Horse Rescue Trust.

Me, I am thrilled, while it would be great to meet them and rub noses and do all the usual hi how are you stuff, you can say hello to my other french friends in Sussex, like Kevin, Padraig etc. They are nice donkeys too, maybe you could all make a video and send it to me.

For the moment, here are a few shots of the lovely trio.

They look so relaxed already.

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